To believe or not to believe, That is the question?
Coincidences or signs, well you either love them or hate them. A bit like marmite. I love marmite. Its strong savoury taste, mixed with lashings of melted butter. I sometimes hate marmite as it can sometimes be too strong, too salty and too earthy. I love and I hate signs. I hate them because they sometimes are so blatant, so loud, telling you something that you know is going to be hard to do. Something you're not quite ready for but know deep down you've got to do. They require faith, sometimes sheer blind faith. Faith in yourself, a situation, or another person and this is hard. But you also know that by ignoring them they wont go away and the outcome might be worse.
But I love them because they can encourage, give faith and motivate. They can push you on just when you need them the most, just at the moment of floundering, of weakening or doubting. Just at the moment when that nay-saying voice takes a stronger hold. And just when you own warm- tongue is winning, bam! In comes a sign and you are back on track.
Nagging. Now that's a debatable word. You love it or hate it. Who likes to be nagged? Nobody, right? Is it a good thing or a bad thing? A bad thing, right? It's stressful and annoying but things do eventually get done thanks to it. Well it's the same for that inner nag. Nag, nag, nag from the inside. Stressful and annoying. And it just wont go away until you do what it wants you to do.
If it wasn't for my inner nag I probably wouldn't have done nearly all the things that I've done. It's pushed me through all the anxiety, all the negative thoughts, all those corrosive doubts, all those paralytic self-criticisms. So thanks to all the signs, the coincidences and those inner naggings I've been able to write my script, my novel and my children's books.